Frosh Box 

Frosh Box twenty years later

Emma Aviv '24

Executive Podcast Coordinator

Another night of silly conversations and body farkling ensues as the Louisville class of 2027 steps foot on to the Crespi campus for the 20 year anniversary of Frosh Box. Frosh Box is an event notorious for being a night to look forward to as upperclassmen giddily share stories about their 14-year-old self entering the Crespi gym for the first time. 

Since this year’s freshman class consists of 87 wonderful Louisville sisters, the average ratio from Crespi to Louisville freshmen was about five to three, an improvement from last year. The tables were full of freshmen conversing and laughing with their Crespi brothers. The meals varied from Porto’s desserts to a classic pizza with salads and drinks. 

The freshmen seemed a little anxious while waiting to be introduced to their tablemates, but the Louisville ASB made their rounds and did their best to calm everyone’s nerves. The upperclassmen sharing their experiences made the class of 2027 excited to see what all of the buzz was about.

The Louisvillie and Crespi freshmen getting ready for a competitive game of body-farkling!

Lila O’Toole ’27 stated that some of the seniors had said it was “one of the craziest experiences at Louisville.” 

Other freshmen were a little more concerned with actually interacting with their Crespi brothers for the first time. Though mostly they were all excited to meet new people and make new friends.

Compared to previous years, nearly every table seemed to be having a blast. Most Louisville freshmen reported that the boys at their tables were funny and that the night was going better than they expected. The awkwardness dissipated very quickly once the night began, and soon the Crespi gym was full of chatter and laughter. 

After the meal, the freshmen were given trash bags and told to clean their tables. They were then ushered to wait outside to begin some fun games. While talking to the freshmen and getting feedback on their meals, an interesting critique was brought up.

The freshmen enjoying dinner and lively conversations with their Crespi brothers.

Normally, the purpose of Frosh Box is for the freshmen of Louisville and Crespi to meet each other and hopefully form a friendship. However, one common occurrence was that some of the boys would only talk to each other instead of the girls, as the boys at the tables were all established friends. 

Of course, the Louisville freshmen break into their own groups for the event as well. However, some tables had less conversation between tablemates, not stemming from awkwardness but rather boys talking to their friends instead of getting to know their Louisville sisters. Could this be a sign that Frosh Box needs to evolve just a little more?

Grace Nelson ’27 stated “maybe they should try to mix up some of the guys too so that they don’t just talk to each other since they all already know each other.”

Nelson brought up another interesting point, that groups of people who went to the same middle school should be split up in hopes of branching out and genuinely meeting new people. 

The freshmen soon after were directed to the football field to partake in the infamous body farkling and a game of heads or tails. However, this year’s version of “body farkling” was a little different from past years. Instead of doing the classic karate kid, bear and hunter combination, the game was referred to as “evolution.” 

This game still incorporated rock-paper-scissors, however, each student started out as an egg and would move up in rank each time they won, ending with the title of royalty. This game lasted a little longer than previous years because if someone were to reach a high ranking and lose, they would have to start over and be an egg again.

Louisvillie freshmen bonding over a shared meal.

As a whole, Louisville’s class of 2027 seemed to have a great time meeting their Crespi brothers for the first time. Hopefully the freshmen can walk away with the same lighthearted memories as the rest of us and retell their own experience to the freshmen as they continue the next four years here at Louisville!