
Get to know some of the Louisville facilities team

Carys Cheshire '24

Editor-in-Chief of Content

Most people can agree that Louisville’s campus radiates beauty and grace due to its luscious nature, along with the extremely well-kept facilities. However, we often forget there are people who dedicate their time and effort into keeping Louisville the picture perfect campus that we know and love. So, in order to get a closer look into the facilities team at Louisville, I wanted to dedicate this article to getting to know some of the team a little better! 

At one point or another, all of us students at Louisville have either exchanged a friendly smile or pleasant conversation with the head of the facilities team, Fabian Mendoza. Mr. Mendoza comes to Louisville everyday, each day doing something new to keep Louisville looking immaculate. His positive attitude and sense of humor are a breath of fresh air during the school day.

Mr. Mendoza has been working at Louisville since December 2021 after searching for a job that he felt most happy and comfortable in.

Mr. Mendoza and Mr. Olivas posing for the camera

“Every time you start a new job, you’re not sure if you will like it very much, but as soon as I came to Louisville, I loved the location, environment and the students,” commented Mr. Mendoza. 

When he leaves Louisville in the afternoon, Mr. Mendoza also works as a resident manager. On his weekends, he likes to spend time in nature and take his two maltese dogs to the park, or just take advantage of being able to do nothing. Although, on some Saturday nights, Mr. Mendoza can be found out in the town being a DJ. No wonder he loves to take over the aux at Louisville events! 

Mr. Mendoza finished up by telling me about how much he loves his role at Louisville:

“The school feels like a family, and all the students and teachers are very kind. It makes me enjoy working here and starting a new day. Fixing stuff can be done anywhere, but Louisville makes it special.” 

I also had the pleasure of talking to another member of the facilities team, Jose Olivas. Mr. Olivas is fairly new to Louisville, having joined the team five months ago in October 2023. This was my first time getting to talk to Mr. Olivias, and interviewing him was very amusing as he had a great sense of humor. 

During his time outside of Louisville, Mr. Olivas also works as a shutter designer, so his weeks get extremely busy with working from 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. Monday-Friday. On the weekends, he likes to go out to restaurants, go on jogs, play with his dog and hang out with his four kids. 

“I love Louisville’s campus. It is so quiet and beautiful. I used to work at another high school that was huge and had constant noise and action, but Louisville is peaceful,” said Mr. Olivas. 

The facilities team at Louisville is largely responsible for how charming our campus is, and we often take that for granted. Hopefully, this article will remind you to show your appreciation for those who give their time to making our school a better place.