Sports Update

All outdoor sports are a go!

Madi McCrary '21

News and Sports Editor

Is there a chance California student-athletes might actually need to get back in shape because high school and club sports will finally be resuming?

The answer is yes! Since the coronavirus impacted our lives, many everyday activities have now resumed with some restrictions. From outdoor dining to nail and hair salons, small things we used to take for granted are slowly reentering our lives.

With COVID-19 cases dropping drastically in California, many conversations have started regarding the potential of sports starting up again this year.

As of right now, all outdoor sports are ago. Our amazing water polo coach and assistant athletic director, Ms. Klein, shed some light on the plans for the upcoming seasons. For example, at Louisville, some sports have started practicing and are set to play in a few games or matches.

CIF had previously come out with different tiers regarding when certain sports would be able to fully return. According to that update, during January all through April (the first season) sports such as cross country, volleyball, and water polo will get to compete against other schools. Because seasons will be starting, contact is also now allowed at practices.

As these sports are coming to the very end of what would be their season, water polo and cross country will both get in at least one competitive arrangement. These matches will certainly be a memorable experience to say goodbye to the seniors competing for these two sports. However regarding volleyball, because it is an indoor sport there is no schedule planned as of right now.

The Louisville soccer team practicing social distancing while grabbing some water to stay hydrated!

For the second season, sports including basketball, cheer, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, and track and field are scheduled to play from March through June. With basketball being the only exception, as it is an indoor sport, most of these sports will be playing their seasons.

As a player on the Louisville Soccer Team, I can safely say that this is definitely true. As of March 1st, the soccer team began a regular practice schedule of three days a week with the hope of playing a few pre-season games before the regular season.

Thankfully, with many uncertainties still floating around in students’ heads, Ms. Klein was able to elaborate further with more details.

“We are still trying to figure out how to get COVID tests for all of our athletes,” stated Ms. Klein, assistant athletic director.

Athletes participating in any games or matches must have a negative COVID test at least 24 hours prior to the event. Some teams are even going to require weekly testing, depending on their schedules.

Sophmore Alex Pembrook posing with the "Harry Styles" after practice.

Additionally, athletes and coaches will wear masks at all times and are not allowed to share food, water, or any practice/game gear. There are also no tournaments as only two teams are allowed to compete against one another. Busses to and from games will hold a maximum of 15 students. And as of right now, no spectators are allowed. The new changes, although frustrating, will help get our anxiously waiting athletes back out on the field.

There is also very limited field space as everyone is trying to get permits. This includes limited access to our brother school’s facilities at Crespi High School. Louisville is doing their best to gain practice and game times. Hopefully, within the next few weeks, we will be back and playing on our home turf.

It is vital that as an athletic community, we stay hopeful and put into practice the requirements of COVID-19 protocols so that as things continue to open up, there will be hope in all of us coming back together and having great seasons.

Click below for the schedule of the remaining games and matches.