ASB Elections

Meet your new ASB!

Silan Aycaguer-Ron '23

Copy Editor

Louisville just elected their 2022-2023 ASB members, and we wanted to introduce them to all of you. Each candidate was asked a few questions so that we can learn a bit more about them!

Rose Dubois

(ASB president)

Question: Why did you choose this position?

“I really just wanted to be part of ASB because I wanted to make an impact on the Louisville community. I also really enjoy being a leader and giving back.”

Question: Who is your role model?

“My sister. She inspires me everyday and puts 100% into everything and inspires me to do the same.”

Sophia Derrig-Palumbo

(ASB vice president)

Question: Who is your role model?

“My sister because I think she is so strong and really speaks her mind and tells people how she feels. She is so hardworking and determined.”

Question: What is a spirit week day theme you would like to have next year or one you enjoyed in the past?

“Your favorite historical figure because I really loved dressing up as Abraham Lincoln last time, it was quite the costume.”

Charlie Deitchman

(ASB treasurer)

Question: Who is your role model?

“Phoebe Bridgers is one of my biggest inspirations because she is also from LA and a very good example of LGBTQ+ representation in the media today. Also, she really just keeps true to herself even with her fame.”

Question: What is a spirit week day theme you would like to have next year or one you enjoyed in the past?

“I would like to do ‘dress like your favorite album cover’ day.”

Alex Pembrook

(ASB historian)

Question: Who is your role model?

“Harry styles inspire me to go beyond my comfort zone and be who I want to be. Pretty much this quote by him: ‘If you are happy doing what you’re doing, then nobody can tell you you’re not successful’” (quote from an interview between Harry Styles and Apple Music's global creative director, Zane Lowe).

Question: What is a spirit week day theme you would like to have next year or one you enjoyed in the past?

“I really like dude day, dressing up as boys from our brother school Crespi is so fun.”

Yzabella Gigantone

(ASB parliamentarian)

Question: What are one or some of your goals for next year?

“To make Louisville more involved in the election process. Setting up booths to allow candidates to express their ideas and let their classmates get to know them better.”

Question: Who is your role model?

“Kim Namjoon (the leader of the boy group BTS) because my main goal is making Louisville more inclusive in the election process and he advocates inclusivity.”

Mona Elzein

(ASB spirit chair)

Question: What are one or some of your goals for next year?

“I just want spirit week to be the best it can be where every single person can enjoy it and have it be something that elevates the mood on campus.”

Question: Who is your role model?

“Probably Ariana Grande because I like the message she sends out through her music and through the rest of her work. She's a person who people consider to be safe and loving, which is something I want to be.”

Juliana Buccieri

(ASB social chair)

Question: Who is your role model?

“My teta (grandma in Arabic) because she is so accepting of everyone even as an immigrant she loves everyone for who they are and that is something I try to embody and radiate everyday. And she's very warm and loving which inspires me to try and be that way too.”

Question: What is a spirit week day theme you would like to have next year or one you enjoyed in the past?

“I’d like to have a superhero day, but you could make yours up to show your individuality, like what your superpower is!”

Sasha Petrovicheva

(ASB campus minister)

Question: Why did you choose this position?

“I come from an immigrant background and multi-religious household, so for me it is very important to highlight the individuals here on campus who are not Catholic.

Question: Who is your role model?

“One of them is Jesus. I adore his kindness and love towards those who were excluded and persecuted. He was a loving soul who assisted those in need. Another role model is my mom who has taught me to embrace life's challenges and seek solutions and inclusivity.”

Elyse Morneau

(ASB secretary)

Question: Why did you choose this position?

“I chose the position of secretary because I feel that it suits me best. I am very organized which is so important for the person who keeps the ASB organized. I have been class council secretary for the past two years so I know what is expected of me in this position.”

Question: Who is your role model?

“My role models are my parents because they work their hardest in everything they do. They inspire me to do my best everyday.”

On behalf of the student body, congratulations on your win and we look forward to seeing your work next year!