New Faculty

Mr. Batch

Emma Aviv '24 - Copy Editor

Q. Where did you used to work?

  1. I worked in the corporate world for a year before returning back to education. Prior to my experience in insurance I worked as a theology teacher at Chaminade High School, Bishop Diego and St. Bonaventure.

Q. Where did you used to work?

  1. I worked in the corporate world for a year before returning back to education. Prior to my experience in insurance I worked as a theology teacher at Chaminade High School, Bishop Diego and St. Bonaventure.

Q. What are three things that you would bring with you if you were stranded on an island?

  1. Coffee, a picture of my family and a spork because of its incredible usefulness.

Q. If you were given an elephant, and you couldn't sell it or give it away, what would you do with it?

  1. Buy a plot of land and take care of the elephant. I would also name my new pet elephant Duncan.

Q. Are you a Harry Styles fan? Why or why not.

  1. I unfortunately am not a hardcore fan of Harry Styles but I am a hardcore Taylor Swift Fan. I prefer Taylor Swift’s music because of her unique dynamic and intention behind her songs compared to Harry’s repetitive music.

Q. If you could vandalize one establishment what would it be and why?

  1. I view graffiti as an art form so I would have to say an overpass on the freeway, specifically the 405. I really don’t like the 405.

Mr. Mac

Aidan Altman '25 - Features Editor

Q: Where did you used to work?

A: I used to work at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library before coming to Louisville.

Q:What is your teaching philosophy?

A: My teaching philosophy is to always be empowering students to advocate for themselves.

Q: What sparked your interest in teaching?

A: When I was a student I was quiet and introverted and scared to share my ideas but eventually

grew out of my shell with age. I want to be a teacher to help students earlier on in their lives.

Q: Top three favorite songs?

A: 2112 by Rush, Voulez vous - Mamma Mia Soundtrack and No Lullaby by Jethro Tull

Q:What’s your favorite smell?

A: I’d have to say my favorite smell is probably coffee.

Q: Harry Styles fan? Why or why not

A: No, because I have never listened to a Harry Styles song.

Mx. Hernandez

Aidan Altman '25 - Features Editor

Q:What sparked your interest in teaching?

A: I have wanted to teach since I was a kid and feel grateful for the opportunity to do something

I have wanted to pursue for so long. Growing up, I had good and bad teachers in grade school

and always thought of how I would be as a teacher. I love being a resource for students and

giving them a sense of direction. I feel lucky to not only be a teacher, but a teacher at Louisville.

Q: What is your teaching philosophy?

A: “Remember when you were a student”.

I feel that highschool is a weird time, especially having to take seven classes. I try to be mindful

about what is going on in students' lives and try to find the balance between giving grace and

being understanding, while still remembering that this is a learning environment.

Q: What are three things that you would bring with you if you were stranded on an island?

A: 1) Music - I can't go a full day without listening to music. My favorite artist is Miley Cryus.

2)Apple juice- I drink it every day, all the time.

3) Non-Bianary ;Memoirs of Gender and Identity - This book has helped me explore and learn

more about my identity.

Q: You were given an elephant, you can't sell it or give it away - what would you do with it?

A: I would move somewhere where I can have more space to keep the elephant. Together, we

would go to the beach and hangout.

Q: Top three favorite songs?

A: Habit by Louis Tomlinson, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for fears and Pull

Up the Roots by Talking Heads

Mrs. Serrano

Darcy Mullane '24 - News Editor

Q: What’s the most unique thing about Louisville?

A: “The community impresses me because it has been so welcoming. With community comes everything, if there’s no love nothing else is coming.”

Q: What is your teaching philosophy?

A: “Everything starts with respect and a great relationship with your students and colleagues. If you cannot build a relationship with your students then they can’t tell you what they are and aren’t understanding. Relationships are key.”

Q:If you were given an elephant and you couldn't sell it or give it away, what would you do with it?

A: “ I would stay with the elephant because I love elephants. I am also a part of an organization that protects elephants in Africa.”

Q: What’s your favorite smell?

A: “In N Out because there’s nothing better than passing it”

Q: Are you a Harry Styles fan? Why or why not?

A: “Although I don’t know his music, I love the way he interacts with his fans. I am also a fan because I think he is the modern day Bon Jovi.”

Ms. Martinez

Charlie Deitchman '23 - Sports Editor

Ms. Ghansari

Charlie Deitchman '23 - Sports Editor

Q: Where did you work before Louisville?

A: I was a division I women’s soccer coach at Pepperdine University before coming here.

Q: What sparked your interest in teaching?

A: I have always been passionate about education. I studied it when I was an undergraduate, as well as getting my master’s degree in it, so it has always been important to me.

Q: What is your teaching philosophy?

A: My teaching philosophy is to really empower students on their health journey.

Q: What are three things that you would bring with you if you were stranded on an island?

A: Utensils to cook with, something to start a fire and a water purifier so I have something to drink.

Q: If you were given an elephant and you couldn't sell it or give it away, what would you do with it?

A: I would make an open environment for the elephant with everything it needs so people can

still observe its beauty, but it would not be deprived.

Q: Are you a Harry Styles fan? Why or why not?

A: “I wouldn’t call myself a fan but I admire his work and his songs and who he is.”

Q: What is your favorite smell?

A: The beach!

Q: Where did you used to work?

A: The last place I worked at was Vital Care Ambulance, an EMT company where I assisted with interfacility transport for psych patients.

Q: What is the most unique thing about Louisville you have noticed so far?

A: The sense of companionship between students and the way students interact with each other is really unique and inclusive.

Q: What are your top three favorite songs?

A: “Anything by Beyoncé.”

Q: Are you a Harry Styles fan? Why or why not?

A: I am an avid Harry Styles fan and enjoy his music, as well as think he is an amazing person. However, I do not think he is especially talented.

Q: If you could vandalize one establishment what would it be and why?

A: “Probably an Amazon warehouse because Jeff Bezos has way too much.”

Q: What’s your favorite smell?

A: Anything having to do with the ocean.

Q: You were given an elephant, you can't sell it or give it away - what would you do with it?

A: I think I would try to return it to a national park where it could it could be in its natural habitat.

Mrs. Lowe

Alex Grenn '23 - Editor-in-Chief

Q: Where did you used to work? 

A: “At Thousand Oaks High School for 18 years as a math teacher.”

Q: What’s the most unique thing about Louisville to you?

A: “The sense of community of all girls and all faculty and the sisters, it’s like it’s one big family.

Q: What sparked your interest in teaching?

A: “I loved math, but early on I learned that I liked helping other people figure out problems.” 

Q: What is your teaching philosophy?

A: “I’m not only trying to teach students mathematics, but I’m teaching students to be problem solvers in all areas of their lives. I want to teach my students life skills.”

Q: What are three things that you would bring with you if you were stranded on an island?

A: “Caffeine, my phone so I could contact family and friends and an umbrella because the sun is hot.” 

Q: What’s your favorite smell? 

A: “The smell of cooking a Thanksgiving meal in the morning.”

Ms. Castro

Alex Grenn '23 - Editor-in-Chief

Q: What’s the most unique thing about Louisville to you?

A: “I like how students will say ‘hi’ to us [faculty] in the hallways. The positive student and teacher relationships.” 

Q: What is your counseling philosophy?

A: “I find counseling very personalized to each student. I like to meet with a student to see where they’re at and figure out with them how to solve certain challenges.” 

Q: What are your top three favorite songs?

A: Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, Truth Hurts by Lizzo and Turn Time Off by David Myles 

Q: If you were given an elephant, what would you do with it?

A: “I would take good care of it and be a good elephant mom.”

Q: If you could vandalize one establishment, what would it be? 

A: “The Hollywood sign because it would be fun to have my name up there.”