Crespi Cheer

Crespi cheerleader first, Louisville girl second

Kelsey Phillip '25

Designer Editor

Louisville and Crespi have a long intertwined history together. At times, Louisville is forced to revolve around Crespi like how many of our sports share practice space and coaches. Louisville girls cheer for Crespi’s football and basketball teams, while our own teams are not shown as much love besides when students come to support their friends. 

When it comes to sports, Louisville has been a dominant force on the court, the field and in the water. Though we have multiple banners to represent our multiple league and CIF championships, support for the teams is often low, with mainly close friends and family of players making up the crowd. I feel that the  only way to get students to show up is if there are incentives like when senior nights end with cake and other sweets or our most recent success in CIF with our basketball and soccer teams. 

The main sports that Crespi cheerleaders have to attend are football and basketball. While Louisville does not have a football team, our basketball team is ranked #1 in the Angelus league and won the Southern Section Division 2A CIF championship, while Crespi’s team is ranked fourth in the mission league and seventh in Southern Section Division 2AA. With Crespi not making it past the first round of playoffs this led to the cheerleaders having to end their season early while our very own Louisville basketball team continued on with their season and just won the championship. If they had cheered for us, their season would have continued on for another two weeks. 

Since there is no football team at Louisville (yet), I would say that our all-girl equivalent is our Volleyball team, which takes place during the same season as football and closes out our fall semester spirit week. 

Louisville girls cheering on the Louisville basketball team at the CIF championship.

“It would be fun. It would have to be separate since our coaches are for Crespi,” said Charlotte Foti ’24, who is one of the captains for the team, talking about how she would feel about a Louisville cheer team. 

The current Crespi cheer coach, Pat Baker, once had her own Louisville cheer team from 1990-1999. They would attend Louisville games to cheer on the girls and even had their own Louisville cheer uniform. I think this should be brought back, since Louisville’s sports have become much more powerful since then, and the blue and yellow uniform would look so good. 

Though there is no formal cheer team dedicated solely to Louisville’s sports, there are Louisville girls who will drive to support their friends no matter the distance. With signs, pom-poms and cheers, Louisville’s spirit can be felt at any sporting event they are at. However, that spirit would be even higher if cheerleaders were present to represent their own school, not just their Crespi brothers.