Ring Ceremony

Class of 2026 blooms together

Olivia Solorzano '26

Content Designer

One of the most important aspects of Louisville is the community. Each year, the sophomore class puts on a ceremony to treasure that sisterhood and honor the unity they have built as a class. 

The Class of 2026 gathered together with their parents on Friday, March 1 to celebrate the memories they have made so far in their years at Louisville. This year, the theme for the Class of 2026’s Unity Ceremony was “we grow together,” and St. Louis Hall was filled with floral arrangements and pastel decorations to exemplify this theme. 

The ceremony began with encouraging words from sophomore class president, MJ O’Keefe Morales ’26. She kicked off the event by recognizing the beautiful relationships the sophomores have built with one another and reflecting on the memories made within the class. 

“I wanted my class to know that their journey through high school is that they are never alone and whatever life brings them we can grow together and be there to illuminate each other’s days,” expressed MJ O’Keefe Morales ’26. 

Following the welcoming speech, Yitsa Prevas ’26 read a combination of Scripture passages from St. Paul. 

“St. Paul stresses the importance of putting others before yourself, just as God would, so I thought that would be important to show the unity of our class,” Yitsa Prevas ’26. 

Then, Liz Mesirow ’26 led the attendees in a prayer prior to lunch. After the prayer, each table went up to serve themselves, and the lunch portion of the event lasted around 40 minutes. 

After lunch, Sister Donna blessed the items that would be given to the students. Each student, whether they bought a class ring or not, was given a floral pin for their blazer and a pink gerber daisy as a little souvenir for the day. One by one, each member of the Class of 2026 went up to receive their token of remembrance. 

The lights in the hall were then shut off to watch a video made by class historian Kate Ben ’26. The video included pictures of every person in the class, and it gave everyone a chance to laugh at and reminisce on various memories from this school-year, from homecoming to lawn-decorating during spirit week. Friend groups smiled and giggled as they looked back on the many memories they have already made and shared together. The video ended with a picture of the Pink Jellyfish altogether, with the words “we grow together.” 

A group of sophomores bonding and enjoying lunch.

The ceremony concluded with a speech made by Camille De Saint Didier ’26, Olivia Solorzano ’26 and Olivia Haber ’26 to encourage everyone in the room to continue being the best versions of themselves. 

“I wanted to show the importance of supporting each other through thick and thin and be the true embodiment of what it means to be part of the Louisville sisterhood,” explained Olivia Haber ’26. 

The Unity Ceremony was an amazing event thanks to the committee, teachers and staff who organized it. It was a wonderful reminder that we are better together as a community than alone.