Fall Ball: a night under the lights

Fall Ball: a night under the lights

Olivia Solorzano '26

News Editor

At Louisville High School, a night filled with dancing, laughter and good food arose at the third annual Fall Ball. A well loved event by all and anticipated by many, everyone put on their best attire for this exciting night. From freshmen experiencing this wonderful event for the first time, to seniors experiencing it for the last time and all the classes in between, the dance was enjoyed as an evening under the stars. 

Held on Saturday, October 7, Fall Ball took place at Louisville High School. Royals and their dates dressed in sparkles and bows, suits and ties for the big dance. 

Starting at 7 p.m., students lined up outside the office to be checked and welcomed in by the teacher chaperones. After getting through the lively crowd and inside the school, there was an array of activities to partake in, such as games on the senior lawn, customizable airbrushed hats and a caricature artist who drew students with their friends. 

“I had a lot of fun, there were a lot of activities to do! The caricature artist was the best!” said Elyse Ramirez ’27.

Students were also greeted by ice cream and churro trucks to satisfy their appetite after nonstop dancing and socializing with their friends. 

Louisvillie girls and their guests living it up on the floor.

The dance floor was a huge hit this year, and many people swayed the night away under the canopy of glimmering lights. The DJ played various classic hits, from “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO to “Just Wanna Rock” by Lil Uzi Vert.

“My favorite part about Fall Ball was the dancing and the music,” commented Josie Nell ’27.

Guests by the complementary ice cream truck.

Next to the dance floor were tables on the grass for guests to sit and take much needed breaks after continuously rocking out. Each table was intricately decorated with pumpkins and flowers to fit the autumn theme. The surrounding area on the senior lawn was decorated with beautiful twinkle lights that gleamed all night.

“Fall Ball is my favorite because it’s outside under the string lights, and it’s just the prettiest,” said Mia Jahnke ’24. 

Students expressed that another one of their favorite things at this year’s dance were the free water bottles. People were able to stay hydrated while still dancing the night away. Ms. Shewe ran the water station and helped everyone at the event quench their thirst. 

Fall Ball is not just a time to hang out with fellow Louisville Royals, it is also a time to hang out with your friends outside of school. Not only did Royals get to spend quality time with their Louisville sisters, they also got to know Crespi Celts and other guests from different schools. 

I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and meeting people from other schools that my friends brought as guests,” said Sierra Solum ’27.

All in all, the third annual Louisville Fall Ball was a great success. Everyone went home with sore feet from dancing and aching mouths from smiles and laughter. The well-loved dance was unforgettable for all students; it was definitely a night to remember!