
Swimming to success: Louisville swim team's senior night

Chloe McBride '24

Copy Editor

Swimming has been a beloved sport for centuries and is one of the most anticipated Olympic events. The sport has a multitude of different strokes, such as the butterfly, freestyle, backstroke and a variety of others, making it an extremely intricate and beautiful sport to watch and participate in. 

Although women’s swimming did not become an olympic sport until 1912, 16 years after their male counterparts, women’s swimming is now one of the most watched olympic sports with millions of viewers tuning in every four years when it comes around. 

Our very own Louisville swim team celebrated their senior night on April 16, during the first round of prelims. The day commenced bright and early with the events starting at 10 a.m. 

Due to the swim team’s incredible performance, several of them were able to proceed to the next round of prelims, allowing their season to continue on. Among those talented swimmers are seniors Baran Ebrahimi ’24, Julia Glukhovsky ’24 and Gianna della Santina ’24, who also celebrated their senior night after the events had finished in order to honor their dedication to the team throughout their high school career. 

The seniors were given flowers and posters, and their teammates expressed their gratitude for being able to grow closer to them throughout their time on the team and form close friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.

Ebrahimi shares how connected she feels to her teammates and how lucky she has been the past couple years on the team:

“Over the past three years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to pursue a sport I’ve participated in for a huge chunk of my life alongside some of the best teammates. In deciding to join the Louisville swim team during my sophomore year, I’ve been able to spend time with the other incredibly talented swimmers on the team, while also becoming the best version of myself through the advice and funny jokes of our coaches. It’s been so fun and I encourage those who have not swam before to at least give it a tiny chance,” says Ebrahimi. “I’ve built some of my closest friendships through the sport and I will be forever grateful for that.”

Seniors Baran Ebrahimi, Gianna della Santina and Julia Glukhovsky standing next to their banners

With their senior night being on the first round of prelims, the team members were met with tremendously high energy to encourage them throughout their events, on top of being able to compete at Crespi Carmelite High School, their home pool. 

The team demonstrated such high amounts of spirit and support for their fellow sisters, displaying Louisville’s tight knit community and sisterhood. 

Although the day was definitely bittersweet as these are some of the last moments that these girls will spend with each other in the pool, it also showcased all the amazing relationships the team has formed with each other. 

We wish all of the seniors the best of luck as they continue their journey after graduation, in and out of the pool!