Track makes CIF

Royal runners make it to CIF!

Ellie Gordon '22

Sports Editor

Senior Shelby Greene '22 competing in the long jump

After a long season of hard work and training, the Louisville Track Team made it to the CIF Preliminary meet. The relay teams entered in the meet include Cailtyn Iaccino ’23, Shelby Greene ’22, Kylie Morris ’24 and Talya Sepand ’25, running the 4x4 relay, alongside Miye Kodama ’24, Shealyn Brannon ’22, Shelby Greene ’22 and Cynea Casidsid ’23 running the 4x1 relay. Cynea Casidsid ran both the 200 meter and 100 meter, while Talya Sepand ran the 1600 meter as well as the 800 meter. Shelby Greene competed in the long jump, and Emily Brown ran the 100 hurdles and competed in the triple jump.

The 4x1 relay has been a consistent part of this season's success, holding a personal record (PR) of 52.90 seconds. The 4x1 relay begins with Miye Kodama running the first leg, Shealyn Brannon running the second, Shelby Greene running the third and finally Cynea Casidsid closing it out with the last leg.

When asked about the hardest component of a relay, Shealyn Brannon said that “making sure the hand-offs are smooth while also running at your fastest pace takes a lot of practice.” The 4x1 relay team works hard to break their best time, and hope to show their skills in CIF.

Sophomore Kylie Morris '22 about to take off around the track.

“Track was so fun because I made so many friendships and made it to CIF,” said Kylie Morris when reflecting on her first year on track.

The 4x4 relay, another key component of the track team, holds a PR of 4 minutes and 31.42 seconds.The 4x4 relay starts with Kylie Morris running the first leg, Shelby Greene running the second, Caitlyn Iaccino running the third and Tayla Sepand finishing off the last leg.

Along with her contributions to the 4x1 relay, Cynea Casidsid will also compete in the 200 meter and the 100 meter. She holds a PR of 23.83 seconds for the 200 meter and 13.30 seconds for the 100 meter. She is the only Louisville girl who has qualified to run sprints in CIF. Great work Cynea!

The next event that qualifies for CIF is Emily Brown for the 100 meter hurdles. She holds a PR of 17.55 seconds and is the only Louisville girl this year who took the challenge of running the hurdles! She started running hurdles because she says she “wasn’t a very fast runner, but knew [she] had long legs, and after everyone pushed [her] to try hurdles, [she] finally tried it.” Emily credits her success to her hurdles coach, and is so thankful for the support she receives from her team.

Sophomore Emily Brown '24 killing the hurdles

Talya Sepand, a freshman long distance runner, has a PR of 5 minutes and 43.68 seconds for the 1600 (mile), and a PR of 2 minutes and 39.65 seconds for the 800 meter (half mile). Although it is her first year on the track team, she has made impressive strides as she is the only freshman who made it to CIF preliminaries.

After taking a year off of training due to COVID-19, the track team came back stronger than ever, earning their position in CIF preliminary qualifiers. These runners have impressed their teammates, coaches and everyone in the stands, and will continue to make their mark in CIF!