The Law of Attraction: A Shortcut to Success?

The Law of Attraction: A Shortcut to Success?

By Bella Lira '21


With COVID-19 and recovering from this pandemic’s hardships, I wanted to introduce some positive thinking methods and communication with the Universe, specifically, the law of attraction. This personally fascinated me, and I am glad to deliver a simplistic breakdown of the basics.

The law of attraction has been used in many ancient practices, including Eastern teachings. The foundation is addressed in Buddhist and Christian writings. During the 19th century, when a spiritual movement called New Thought grew popular, the law of attraction did too. New Thought’s philosophy, based on various religions, mental science, and metaphysical concepts, instilled the importance of the interaction between your thoughts, beliefs, and conscious mind while establishing the power of mental-healing. Philosopher Helena Blavatsky and author Thomas Troward influenced the widespread growth of the law of attraction through their writings, the practice of spiritual guidance, and traditions. From this, the law of attraction became a popular philosophy of positive thinking.

The law of attraction is a philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts produce negative outcomes. In simple terms, what you focus on is what you attract.

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought,” stated Buddha.

There are a total of seven laws of attraction, including:

  1. The Law of Manifestation

  2. The Law of Magnetism

  3. The Law of Unwavering Desire

  4. The Law of Delicate Balance

  5. The Law of Harmony

  6. The Law of Right Action

  7. The Law of Universal Influence

These laws are the key to obtaining success through manifestation. Manifestation is a public display of emotion or feeling, or something ideal made real.

“What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it,” said Oprah Winfrey.

There are various ways to manifest; you can literally do it by cleaning up your room, getting rid of all that clutter, and inviting a clear, calm mindset. It is best to be clear with your goals when manifesting. Here are a few of my favorite ways to manifest:

My 2021 vision board including the goals I want to achieve, things I want to try, and my hopes for 2021!

Vision board

Compile pictures to represent your goals or your vision for the year or future. This could be done by printing and cutting out pictures and pasting them on a poster board or dedicating a Pinterest board to your goals. Remember, your board is unique to you; embrace it.

Once you create this vision for your future, light some candles or create a space that invites positive and peaceful thinking. Lastly, engage with your board! Do this daily and create a new board every year. Now that you have put your personal goals out into the Universe, put your faith in the Universe to provide you with opportunities to help you achieve what is on your board.


Take one of the many blank journals you were gifted in your childhood and rename it your Dream Journal. There are many prompts you can do; one is to write down personal goals you have and re-read them or say them aloud. Keep your goals in mind throughout the day, and be patient with the Universe.

A dream journal!

Daily affirmations!


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, affirmations are “sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious minds, so that in turn, they affect our behavior, thinking patterns, habits, and environment.” You repeat the positive statement over and over again!

How do crystals play a role in all of this?

  • The law of attraction and crystals go hand in hand! Crystals can hone what you are manifesting and remove energetic blockages! Different crystals help with specific concerns. You can meditate with them, hold them while repeating affirmations, or place them around your house.

  • Some common intentions and crystals are:

Improved Health- Clear Quartz

Abundance- Tiger’s Eye

Love- Rose Quartz

Happiness- Amethyst

Books "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz and "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnem alongside a clear quartz, smokey quarts and pyrite.

Book recommendations:

Here are some books to help guide you on your spiritual journey, teaching you methods of positive thinking and enlightenment.

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz

“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

I hope you found this article helpful and informative, this topic is very intriguing to me, and I wanted to share it with you. Also, there is so much more to uncover in each of our journeys to success; patience is key!

**Remember: the aid of The Law of Attraction and Manifestation does not mean you do not take action; you have to put the work in!**