Senior Sunrise

Senior Sunrise

Alex Grenn '23

Editor In Chief

Every year, the seniors always have many fun activities so they can cherish their last year at Louisville. On the morning of October 5, 2022, the senior class came together for a well anticipated activity: senior sunrise. Seniors started to trickle in at 6:30 a.m. in their peppy purple dragons gear, huddled up in blankets and drinking coffee. The Senior Class council brought donuts, extra coffee, hot chocolate and orange juice. 

Isabelle Brough '23, Sasha Petrovicheva '23 and Caroline Wellington '23 bonding at senior sunrise

Once all the seniors arrived at school, students started laying out blankets on the lawn to sit together and watch the sunrise. 

The point of this event was to give the senior class a time to get together. What better way to bond than to watch the beautiful sunrise over St. Louis hall at 6 a.m.?  

“What I enjoyed the most about the senior sunrise was that I was able to relish the experience surrounded by the smiles and laughter of my peers,” said Caitlyn Iaccino ’23.

“I loved senior sunrise, it was such a great way to bond with everyone in my class. I also loved the donuts, it was such a good treat!” said Sasha Petrovicheva ’23.

“I always find it really funny seeing everyone when they first wake up super early in the morning. It’s like seeing everyone without a filter and we got to hang out with people in a chill and open environment,” said Katie Cogbill ’23. 

After watching the sunrise, the seniors took advantage of the time left before school starts and practiced their senior dance that was later performed at the Pep Rally. 

“I thought the dance was really fun and spirited. I loved the mosh pit and the dance battle. I just think learning the dance and rehearsing it was super fun and I loved doing it with all my friends” said Mikayla Cooper ’23. 

“I love how everyone put in the work and energy to create such a memorable dance and I appreciate how Kate, Willow and Gabby were able to choreograph such a wonderful dance in such a short amount of time,” said Charlotte Song ’23. 

Sophia Stein '23, Silan Aycaguer-Ron '23 and Dali Solano '23

Once the clock hit 7:30 a.m. the senior class council rallied everyone together to begin decorating the senior lawn for the lawn decorating competition. Class council brought out cardboards painted like castle walls, inflatable purple dragons and other purple decorations for the lawn. The whole class participated in decorating the lawn and it turned out beautiful! 

“My favorite thing about decorating the senior lawn was being able to bond with my friends by listening to good music and getting ourselves ready for the pep rally,” said Yzabella Gigantone ’23. 

The early morning of October 5, 2022 was truly an eventful start of the day and was a wonderful opportunity for the seniors to cherish their time together. 

“I really loved how nearly the entire class showed up bright and early to senior sunrise together. Although we couldn’t see the actual sunrise due to the weather, it was so fun getting to eat donuts and drink coffee together. Of course, we were also able to practice our flash mob and then go straight to lawn decorating together, which was really exciting,” said Dzian Tran ’23.