Volleyball Senior Night

Everybody Yells Sideout

Mona Elzein '23

Social Media Coordinator 

On Monday, October 10, 2022, the senior volleyball players played their last ever home game at Louisville. The volleyball team has had a great season and it truly showed on the court that night! The whole team played their hearts out in a fierce and competitive match against Immaculate Heart High School.

Seniors Sasha Austria ’23 and Veronica Houghton ’23 both scored an ace - a serve that strikes the opposing team untouched. Sara Greene ’23, who plays libero, assisted many of the points scored, as her position is in charge of passing the ball to setters like Veronica. Alex Pembrook ’23, started off the game playing middle. At one point she jumped up to tip the ball over the net, landing the team yet another point for their last home game victory. Lastly Alyssa Nicotero ’23, an outside hitter, helped assist and gain points in several plays.  

To the readers who aren’t avid sports fans, in Volleyball overtime whichever team scores 15 points first wins. These girls carried the team as they went to overtime in a close game. The Royals lost the first round, but we came back strong winning the second and the third, however we lost the fourth, resulting in overtime. It was a tough match that had many anxious fans on the stands chanting encouraging words at the players.

ASB Parliamentarian, Yzabella Gigantone ’23 said at the game, “we are tied one to one, but the Royals are going to take the dub.” For those who don’t know, a “dub” means a win. 

The game started around 7 p.m. and did not end until 9 p.m. Everyone on the stands grew more and more invested as time went on— we had to win, and we did. Once the winning 15th point was made, all the girls ran together in one final group celebration. 

The royals celebrating their win for their last ever home game 

Senior night was spent with tears from underclassmen relaying their love and goodbyes to the seniors. As lovely as this was, the seniors never got to say their goodbyes, so I interviewed them all and what they had to say was heartwarming: 

 “The community that volleyball has given me has made me really thankful for all the relationships I have built and all the lessons I have learned,” stated Sasha Austria ’23.

“I had a great season, it was so much fun with everyone, I learned a lot. This is one of the best seasons I have ever done, I am going to miss everyone so so much,” said Veronica Houghton ’23. 

“This sport helped me feel a sense of love and community and I wish I had one more year to spend with them,” said Alex Pembrook ’23.

“This team made me really see the community here at Louisville. I have grown so much with the people that I've played with for the past four years, and I'm going to miss them so much when I leave,” remarked Alyssa Nicotero ’23.

If you're tearing up, don't wipe away those tears yet, senior Sara Greene's statement could make a grown man cry!

 “These four years showed me what love for a sport was. I've always played other sports, yet I found my true sport in volleyball. These girls have become some of my best friends and I’m gonna miss it so much,” said Greene. 

The senior players are beloved by their team and Coach Daniel, who has seen them grow as young women and players. 

Couch Daniel wanted to express his admiration for the senior girls, saying that he is “so proud of the senior class and so proud of the seniors, they put their heart into this season and into tonight’s game, they played an amazing game.”  

In the end, the seniors played a game that truly highlighted their ability to persevere no matter what the odds are. They really are amazing and will be missed dearly by the players, coaches and classmates here at Louisville.