Freshman Flip

Freshman Flip: games, food and introductions

Chloe McBride '24

Copy Editor

Freshman Flip has been around for years, and it is quite an anticipated event for the freshman class. Similar to Frosh Box, there are tables of integrated Louisville and Crespi students as they share a meal. However, instead of the boys buying the food for the girls, the girls get to provide it this time. 

The event was held in St. Louis Hall, with gold and blue decorations set up all around the room to match Louisville’s colors. Each group had a different meal, like Chick-Fil-A, pizza, tacos and other variations of food spreads, for both the Crespi and Louisville freshmen to enjoy. There was even a photo booth area in the corner in case the freshman wanted to take pictures with their Louisville sisters or new Crespi friends! 

The night took off with the Crespi freshmen getting put at random tables, in order to meet Louisville girls they might not already know, overall ensuring the formation of new friendships. In the beginning of the night, the freshmen engaged in conversation as they enjoyed their delicious meals. 

After they finished their dinner, the first activity–trivia–commenced. The trivia consisted of a slide containing 13 questions put together by the freshman historian Elyse Ramirez ’27. The freshman class president Sasha Senofsky ’27 read off the questions and revealed the answers to the competitive students. The activity helped bring tables together as they had to work with their fellow group members to answer them correctly. 

Freshmen Sophie Oconitrillo, FrancescanLancellotti, Shannon Rodriguez and megan Hill smiling

The next game was Red Light, Green Light. The students had to walk towards the other end of the hall once they heard the words “green light,” until Senofsky said “red light,” where they had to come to an abrupt stop. The freshmen had a great time with this game as it was chaotic and entertaining. The person who got to the other side first, won the game along with an In N Out gift card. 

Louisville and Crespi freshmen playing "Cups"

The final game was “Cups.” Two students had to pair up with each other and stand across from their partner, with the cup placed in the middle. Mrs. de Mattos told them to touch their head, shoulders and knees, before randomly saying “cups.” The partners had to reach for the cup and the person that grabbed it first, got to move on to the next round, with the other eliminated. 

The Cups game granted students the opportunity to pair up with many different people, while simultaneously competing for a prize. Even the students that got eliminated were still happy to cheer on their friends and wait in suspense for the winner of the entire game, who ended up being a Crespi freshman. 

After the games sadly came to a close, the night concluded and the freshmen said their goodbyes to their new and old friends.

With the perfect mixture of games, food and prizes, this year’s Freshman Flip was definitely a night to remember and a core memory for the freshmen class.