
The importance of “Where is the Love” by The Black Eyed Peas today

Saori Cochachin' 22

Around Campus Editor

The Black Eyed Peas are an American Music group that currently consists of rappers William James Adams Jr. (Will.i.am), Allan Pineda Lindo (apl.de.ap), Jaime Luis Gomez (Taboo) and Jessica Reynoso (J. Rey Soul). On June 24, 2003, the group released their third studio album, “Elephunk,”-- their first album to become a big hit worldwide. They charted number 14 on the American Billboard 200 albums chart, were certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, and sold over 9 million copies globally.

“Where is the Love” is their first song on the album that features Fergie Duhamel (Fergie) as an official group member. In the past 17 years, three music videos have been released for this song, with different cinematography to spread awareness of tragic events today.

"Elephunk" album cover art by Markus and Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri (credit: wikipedia.com)

Question mark symbol displayed all over the city, including the freeway sign. (credit: youtube.com)

Will.i.am standing in front of the “We are not a minority!!” mural. (credit: iwantmypopculture.com)

First video (2009)

Filmed in Eastern Los Angeles, the first “Where is the Love” music video begins with the group members running around the city, placing stickers with question marks on them as they pass by buildings. These stickers address their focus on the question “where is the love?” The video focuses on the world’s injustices, such as poverty, racism, gang crime, pollution, and terrorism.

The video was published on June 16, 2009, six years after the song was released in response to the tragedy of 9/11. Many images pop onto the screen when specific lyrics are sung to captivate accurate illustrations of their song’s purpose. There is a great emphasis on children who are corrupted from the violence they witness in the streets or on television.

Children lip sync, “People killin', people dyin', Children hurt and you hear them cryin'.”

The group actively represented children and adults of color (POC) who face injustice and discrimination the most. Will.i.am stands in front of a mural that says, “We are not a minority!!” representing Chicano barrio culture and traditions of the area tributed to Che Guevara. Apl.de.ap sheds light on the police department as officers chase him and aggressively put him under arrest.

He says, “Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity... fairness and equality, instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity.”

Lastly, God is called to action as a man holds up a Bible with the question mark on it while looking up to the sky:

“Father, Father, Father, help us, send some guidance from above, 'Cause people got me, got me questionin', Where is the love?”

Second video (2016)

“#WHEREISTHELOVE ft. The World'' was published on Sept. 1, 2016. The group reunites to record the same song with a new melody and arrangement of the lyrics, in a black-and-white video. Celebrities such as Kendall Jenner, A$AP ROCKY, Jaden Smith, Vanessa Hudgens and 60 more are featured to help advocate for the ongoing crisis and war in Syria, American police brutality, and Black Lives Matter protests.

Horrific, distressing images of these events are displayed on the screen to focus your attention on the violence inflicted on one another. Middle Eastern children are shown being carried away from explosions, hurt from bombs, or lying dead on the ground. In the U.S, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, victims of police shootings, are represented by their family members, who hold up their portraits in their honor.

During an interview with ATTN, Will.i.am shared, “I remember when the attack in Paris happened… And then Belgium happened, and then Turkey, and then Orlando, and then Philando, and Alton before him, and then Dallas. Everyone was calling on us, like, ‘We need that song again.’”

Justin Timberlake, who originally provided vocals in the original song, sang, as well as Audra Day, Jessie J, The Game, Mary J. Blige, Nicole Scherzinger, and Usher. A$AP ROCKY rapped his own verse about police brutality and how to him, the upcoming election is a joke. The same message of unity and equity is being spread with the same question mark symbol throughout the video.

In the end, a children’s choir holds up their signs, simultaneously singing with apl.de.ap, asking, “Where is the Love?”

Will.i.am, accompanied by fellow celebrities and a child holding the questioning symbol, singing “Where is the Love.”(credit: mrgoodlife.net)

Philando Castille’s mother, holding up his picture in remembrance. (credit: youtube.com)

President-Elect Joe Biden making his speech for America’s future (credit: youtube.com)

A crowd of BLM protesters fighting for justice for Breonna Taylor. (credit: youtube.com)

Third video (2020)

Released this year on Oct. 19, the video begins with now President-Elect Joe Biden referring to the words of Ella Baker, an African American woman who advocated during the Civil Rights movement.

President-Elect Joe Biden repeats her words of wisdom and states, “‘Give people light, and they will find a way. Give people light.’ Those are words for our time.”

His speech took place one week and a day after the third anniversary of the tragic events of Charlottesville. He compares the Anti-Semitism in the 1930s to the crowd inflicting hatred against those standing up for what is right. Earlier this year, the Black Lives Matter protests across the country resulted in violence between African American individuals fighting for equal rights and law enforcement. Images and recordings of both events are shown to compare and remind us that we are once again repeating history.

Will.i.am sings, “If you only have love for your own race, then you only leave space to discriminate. And to discriminate only generates hate… Man you got to have love and to set it straight… Let your soul gravitate to the love.”

In the midst of a global pandemic, healthcare workers are shown in appreciation for their hard work in overcrowded hospitals with limited resources.

President-Elect Joe Biden preaches, “This is a life-changing election. This will determine what America is going to look like for a long long time… Who we are as a nation. What we stand for. Most importantly, who we want to be. That’s all on the ballot.”

I could not have said it better myself. This video was meant to bring attention to how important this election is for those who share unequal rights in America. It is sad to think that after 17 years, we still see so much violence in our world and continuous division. The Black Eyed Peas did a great job in creating a catchy song that is upbeat while spreading a powerful message of global injustices.

We must keep in mind that “we only got one world… That’s all we got.”

Reusable alternatives to single plastic items including a reusable water bottle, metal straw, and silicone sand which bags.

Your Eco-Friendly Impact

Bella Lira 21'


With the holidays around the corner, I wanted to impart some eco-friendly habits you can start implementing into your daily life. Consider how every Thanksgiving, Americans throw out 200 million pounds of turkey and create 1 million extra tons of waste each week during the holidays. Overall, there is a 25% increase in waste during the holiday season.

To help alleviate this holiday crisis, here are some things you can do: save your Thanksgiving leftovers and make a turkey sandwich the following day, shop at your local farmers market, to support small businesses, and assist the environment by purchasing locally produced products. Be aware of what you are buying, plan accordingly, and don’t overbuy! It is crucial to know how we affect the Earth and what small changes can repair it!

“I think simple swaps are very important, whether it’s from plastic straws to metal straws or plastics and styrofoam that take a really long time to break down and substituting them with bamboo or reusable containers. Limiting single-use plastics is a huge step for the environment, including straws, utensils, cup lids, toothbrushes, etc. When it comes to helping the environment, it’s really about mindfulness and just thinking how long everything you’re using takes to break down and being a little bit more thoughtful about what you use,” stated Gisele Haluanlani ‘21

In your everyday life, you can improve the environment simply by changing some habits which can also help save you money! The first rule is to not feed into mindless consumerism. Ask yourself if you need that new product when you already have one at home. Try to finish all the products you already have without buying new ones; if you take a look in your room, I am sure your mountain of chapsticks and candle obsession does not need to grow. This has altered my shopping, and I still haven’t finished all the EOS from three years ago. If you really want an item, then put it on a list and wait 30 days to see if you even remember you needed it.

Next, make it a habit to carry a water bottle; many water fountains are easily accessible and convenient. Plus, a bottle of water can be pricey. Also, bring your reusable bags when you go to the market. Now you’re saving ten cents for each bag and minimizing waste.

Repurposing things is a great way to use the items you have; there are many uses for things like old glass jars, such as cups, planters, food storage, and even decor. Donate your old towels to local dog shelters or cut them up to use as cleaning rags. Reusing items reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change, saves energy, prevents pollutants, and much more.

Repurposed tea boxes; now used for organization for craft supplies pencils, paint brushes, colored pencils and more.

Take the opportunity to shop secondhand and locally made! 85% of all textiles from fashion production are thrown away, and 10% of our carbon emissions are directly from fashion production. You can thrift anything from clothes to furniture! Additionally, buying second-hand has become more accessible online with shops like The RealReal, Depop, Poshmark, and many others. Buying second-hand saves water, decreases the demand for high-fashion products, reduces waste, plastic in landfills, pollution, and carbon emissions. Shoppers of the RealReal have helped save 756 million liters of water since its founding. Shopping locally reduces air pollution, fuel consumption and does not create large carbon footprints.

Tip: think first if you can borrow what you need from someone else before buying it yourself.

Here are some eco-friendly alternatives to things you may already own:

  • In your kitchen, you may find saran wrap; a substitute is Beeswax wrap, which is compostable and biodegradable when you cannot reuse it anymore.

  • Reusable baking sheets save you from needing to re-buy parchment paper over and over again! Stasher bags are an excellent replacement for Ziploc bags!

  • When grocery shopping, try to buy loose fruits, vegetables, etc., to reduce the amount of plastic you use.

  • For personal care, you can switch to bamboo toothbrushes, safety razors, crystal deodorant (or deodorant with biodegradable packaging), biodegradable band-aids and hair ties, menstrual cups (or organic tampons, reusable pads & liners, period underwear), shampoo bars, shaving soap bars, and conditioner bars. If you want to swap your plastic toothpaste, try toothpaste in aluminum packaging because it is easier to recycle. Also, there are such things as toothpaste tablets!

  • For skincare and makeup, I recommend purchasing your chapsticks with biodegradable packaging and your skincare products in glass packaging and make sure you are getting great beneficial products! There are make-up pallets with magnetic backings, so you can create your pallet and buy the individual pressed eye shadows, blushes, etc. (you can find these products at Elate Cosmetics, Makeup Geek, Pure Anada Cosmetics). This eliminates a lot of extra packaging.

  • Go explore! There are a variety of products out there.

“We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly,” said the author of The Zero-Waste Chef, Anne-Marie Bonneau.

I hope you found these accessible, sustainable alternatives perfect to substitute for your single-use items! If you are interested in researching more about zero waste or eco-friendly options, there are many resources to educate yourself. Also, keep in mind we are the source for change so let’s make a change. Even just adopting one of the things I mentioned above will make an impact. If you have any questions, you can reach me at ilira21@louismail.org. Happy Thanksgiving!

For more information on sustainability:

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, https://www.leonardodicaprio.org/. Accessed 10 November 2020.

Los Angeles Convention Center, lacclink.com. Accessed 10 November 2020.

The Importance of Self-Care

Rory Brennan 21'

Design Editor-in-Chief

When was the last time you stepped away from your busy life to take time for yourself? The most important thing that you can be doing for yourself is having a good self-care routine. Since the pandemic has begun, it is crucial that we take care of ourselves. Believe me, I understand that it can be hard to be consistent with our routines, but it will benefit us both mentally and physically in the long run.

First of all, I want to define self-care:

Self-care is the collection of habits that support and strengthen your mental health and well-being.

In other words, self-care is your own personal program for taking care of yourself, especially your mental and emotional health. It is essential to highlight that self-care is your own process, and it is different for everyone. One routine may work great for you and not so much for others. You have to figure out what works best for your lifestyle and what you enjoy doing.

One of the biggest misconceptions about self-care is that it is a quick fix, when it is actually all about consistent habits. Think about this: what if someone were to ask you if you workout/exercise and you answered “maybe a few times a month”. Well, you are not technically answering the question that they are asking because if you workout and exercise, you are doing it consistently not occasionally. Self-care should be viewed the same way; it is not something you should only do when you are stressed out. Self care is something that you do consistently to prevent getting stressed out in the first place.

What can self-care look like?

  1. Taking care of your physical health

  • Getting some sort of exercise into your routine

    • This could simply be taking a walk around your neighborhood

  • Get enough QUALITY sleep

    • At least 7-9 hours a night

  • Eating well

  1. Taking care of your social health

  • Talk to people (outside of who you live with) regularly

  • Get in-person interaction (covid safe!)

    • This is what we as humans thrive off of and need to survive

  1. Having enjoyable Activities

  • Make sure that the activities that you do are a positive experience and benefit you

  1. Consistently being kind to ourselves

  • It is so important for us to be treating ourselves with a gentle and kind mindset.

    • Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend who is struggling

  1. Having open space in your life and routine

  • Make time to breathe and do whatever you want in your free time

  • Get up earlier before school in order to have more leisure time

    • With our busy lives we can forget to take a break and it is important for our mental health to have some breathing room

I hope you take away from this article that self-care is not a one-time thing, it is a way of life. I also hope that you are able to implement self-care into your routine. You can’t be genuinely helpful to others if you don’t take the time to help yourself.

Seniors enter the world of politics

Alex Gerwe 21'

News Editor

Pictured Right: pile of "I voted" stickers

Source: Time Magazine

The 46th Presidential Election is proving itself to be quite vast, grabbing the attention of Americans around the country, including teenagers. With split and strong opinions, voter turnout statistics of this election are breaking records. According to the Liberty Champion, over 161 million Americans voted in the 2020 election, making it the largest number of voters in the history of the United States. This year a new proposition appeared on the ballot with Proposition 18. It addressed whether or not 17-year-olds turning 18 in the president elect’s term should be eligible to vote. Though ultimately it did not go into effect, many seniors turning 18 have a lot to say.

“I feel frustrated understanding the events of the election whilst not being able to vote because I know that while I may be speaking and giving assertive opinions, no one is listening or cares to listen because legally I am still a child. Our government needs to realize that teenagers are less childish, impulsive, and susceptible to the influence of our parents than it thinks we are” - Lily Davoren ‘21.

“I am very frustrated by the fact that I cannot vote. I do my best to be aware of what is happening in politics, especially during election times. As I know that I cannot legally vote, a lot of what is being voted on will affect me in just a few months. Knowing that I have no say in the current major elections is very unsettling as it will be the world I have to survive in very shortly” - Madi McCrary ’21.

This year many Americans are invested in the presidential election because of the controversial political climate of our country, and this does not exclude our seniors. Being old enough to understand the election, many 17-year-olds feel frustrated they cannot participate. If 17-year-olds could vote, 76.9% of Louisville seniors surveyed felt they would be informed enough to vote on presidential candidates, props and more. This being such a widely-covered and controversial election, it only makes sense that many seniors wish they were able to participate.

Personally, I turned 18 just in time for the election and getting to vote felt so empowering; I felt that my voice matters as an American. Most of my friends are only a couple of months away from 18 and know just as much about our government as I. I can only imagine how aggravating the situation must be, and I sympathize with seniors who were ineligible to vote.

Working Out the Election

Georgia Kreischer '22

Arts and Entertainment Editor

Pictured left: democratic mascot of the donkey versus republican mascot of the elephant

Credit: VOX.COM

As the election approaches, videos on why voting is crucial, and the constant news coverage on each candidate is overwhelming. It almost leaves no time to really think about how running for president and the election actually works. How do people pick a certain candidate to run for president, and how does the electoral college really play into things? Coming from someone who has forgotten everything that eighth-grade history taught them about the election, an explanation on how we get a president is here for your enjoyment.

In order to even think about running for president, a person needs to have three things in particular. They need to be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old, and a U.S. resident for at least 14 years. After all these requirements are fulfilled, a candidate has to build their campaign.

Whether it is through videos online, speeches, or merch they sell, presidential candidates, in particular, want their name heard and well known. Once their campaign is still small and has room to grow, people from their political party meet and discuss the possible candidates in groups called caucuses. These groups are filled with ordinary people who belong to a certain party, Democrat or Republican. Within their groups, they vote on who they think would be the best candidate to run for president.

After the candidates are chosen, another group comes into play. This group is called the primaries, and they vote in a statewide election for the candidate they want to represent them in the actual election.

After both the primaries and caucuses vote, all the candidates from both parties hold a national convention in order to select Presidential nominees. This convention is filled with delegates who have the final vote on who the two nominees are going to be. Now there are two types of delegates in this convention: Pledged delegates and Unpledged delegates. Pledged delegates are bound to a certain party and are chosen during the primaries and caucuses process, while an Unpledged delegate can vote for whoever they want. These delegates do not have a duty to vote for a member of their party, which makes this voting a bit more fair.

This convention solidifies who each party wants as their nominees, and in the end, the finalists are chosen. The man or woman selected will pick a vice president at the end of the convention. After the two candidates are chosen, they begin campaigning nationally to try and win over the wider population's support until the voting starts.

To understand voting, we need to talk about the electoral college. The electoral college is a concept I have strong opinions about, but first, an explanation of how it works could be helpful. When citizens vote for president, they are not really voting for the president, they are instead voting for their electors. The electors are people who sit in the electoral college and actually vote for the president.

Here is where it gets a bit unfair: depending on how populated the state is and how many people actually cast a vote changes the number of electors put in the electoral college. So for example, California is a pretty big state, so obviously they are going to get way more electors than smaller states. There are 538 electors in the electoral college, and each elector must cast one vote in the general election. The candidate that receives 270 votes or more from the electoral college wins the election.

This method of voting, in my opinion, is way more complex than it needs to be. This is not giving smaller states or states who do not get many voters a voice whatsoever. By standing by the verse “freedom of speech,” voters should be able to have their vote counted towards more than just an elector. Plus, there is no state that has all of its voters agreeing upon one candidate, so generalizing the public's opinions by making them a blue or red state is unfair to both parties.

A method without the electoral college would also give a more accurate representation of how many people wanted a certain candidate to win, rather than saying the first to 270 votes becomes president. The idea that the next 4 years of leadership is left up to 538 electors does not put me at ease. Voting is essential if you care about your future, but what some people fail to realize is that they are voting for everyone else's benefit as well.

No matter what social class you are in or what has already happened in your life, putting that aside for a moment to make a logical decision on who you want to represent, everyone is vital. Looking at candidates who are fair and treat every single person with kindness is just as important as candidates who show intelligence. Leaving all of that up to a couple hundred people seems unfair, especially to the voters who were not heard within their particular state.

I realize this is only my opinion, but now that you have taken the time to read about how the election process actually works, I hope that forming an opinion of your own will be much easier

The Perfect Fall Quarantine Songs

Alex Gerwe 21'

News Editor

Pumpkin spice lattes, fuzzy socks and cooler weather (at least in the rest of the country) mark the start to the fall season! With a global pandemic at hand, COVID-19 limits this year’s fall activities. Hayrides and carnivals may not be in store this year, but at-home activities will not disappoint! My favorite at-home fall activity happens to be relaxing to a calm playlist. Music perfectly sets the mood to watch the leaves change color and make every day feel cozy. So, in honor of the autumn season, here are some peaceful songs to add to your 2020 fall playlist in honor of the autumn season.

“La Lune” by Billie Marten

At the top of my list is Billie Marten’s ‘La Lune”, a beautiful song to listen to in autumn! The songwriter’s lush ballad perfectly captures the fall mood. Marten reminisces on fond childhood memories in a dreamy tone. The song’s lyrics represent the beauty of life and an uplifting message for the new season.

“Space Song” by Beach House

Space Song is definitely a staple for every fall playlist. The relaxing tune is perfect for listening to while cozied up under a warm blanket. I love to listen to this song when winding down from a long day.

“Première Gymnopédie” by Erik Satie

Satie’s “Première Gymnopédie” is arguably the most relaxing song created! This song truly grasps the essence of fall, comfort and relaxation. Satie’s elegant creation may be simple, but the piece is nevertheless beautiful.

“Thirteen” by Big Star

The last song you must add to your playlist is “Thirteen” by Big Star. The soft acoustics of this song model the mood of autumn. The lyrics detail a story of two kids infatuated with each other and rock-and-roll, a must-have for your list of autumn songs.

There you have my perfect fall playlist! I hope these songs adjust you into the fall spirit. Though this year we may be celebrating festivities from home, this autumn can still be memorable.

Pintrest Life Hacks I just agree with?

Bella Lira'21


Life Hack #1238: Having a Problem? Lay down! You can process your thoughts much faster by laying down.

I mean this speaks for itself. Let me give you an example, I was venturing out of my house for the first time since COVID and as I started to get anxious, I decided to try this one out while hiking. I definitely did not get more anxious after I saw that weird/scary looking bug coming to bite my face or that stranger’s dog. Overall I rate this one a 10/10, works best if you wear white, and are in crowded places!

Life Hack #182: How to play the Happy birthday song on your phone. Dial 112163-112196-11#9632-969363

Have an awful voice and hate singing happy birthday! We have your back. All you need to do is open up your phone app and dial these numbers, memorize it and play the happy birthday song for your favorite people. When you click these keys they will play the song in perfect tune!

Life Hack #401: Break a piece of glass? Put bread on it. The consistency of the bread will pick up even the smallest shards.

First, break your glass. From experience, I recommend breaking plates on a tile floor because I would rather lose a plate than my coffee mug. Next, grab the piece of bread you wanted for toast this morning but did not eat because you slept in. And just take that bread and smack it onto the floor to get those tiny pieces of glass. If you want to step it up a bit maybe add some butter. And you are all done! It was that easy!

Life Hack #2882: If you’re coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop!

This one is perfect for our current situation and is pretty self-explanatory. If you feel that awful cough attack coming, wave your hand in the air like you just don’t care. Now if you are shy and do not feel comfortable play some music and it will look like you are dancing.

Life Hack #789: Hungry and want a ride home? Go to the local pizza shop, order a pizza for delivery, and get a ride home with the driver.

I cannot believe I did not think of this, how genius! Just order your pizza and get a lift home. What a great way to get to know a stranger while taking a ride in their car, but just do not forget your mask. I definitely recommend trying this at Domino’s!

Life Hack #2542: Eating a spoonful of peanut butter before bed helps you burn more calories while you sleep.

Wanting to get that bikini bod ready for Christmas season? Right after you brush your teeth, but before you are tucked into bed comfortably, take a giant spoon of peanut butter and eat it. Yes, it will leave your mouth feeling sticky and stuck together but the results are worth it! This works best with Skippy Crunchy peanut butter.

Life Hack #1238

Life Hack #182

I hope these life hacks work as well for you as they did for me! I strive to make my life simpler and I believe these really helped me to accomplish that. An added bonus was the friends I made throughout my journey testing out these life hacks! If you want some more tips, or if you want to share how your experience went with these, you can reach me at ilira21@louismail.org.

Pictured above is the new Louisville Uniform: Loafers, the polo and gray skirt, blazer, and mask of course.

Post Covid-19; A new reality

Stella Rose ’21

Opinion Editor

The Covid-19 pandemic swept through the world and as of now May 23, 2020 the virus has claimed 326,000 lives. As the world sits in a state of uncertainty of the aftermath of the Coronavirus could look like, many question if the world will ever return to its normal state. With differing opinions coming from politicians, scientists, and organizations it becomes very difficult navigating which source to trust. But based on reports given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) one can only speculate how quickly society will return to a state of normalcy.

If the virus persists and no cure has been found our current lock down conditions would continue. And though we are seeing slack in the rigidity of social distancing conditions, should the illness spike in deaths tight restrictions of the lock down will be enforced again. This measure would be taken in order to get back to the normal baseline rate of deaths. Thus, lock down conditions would fluctuate with no steady continuous function of society as our livelihoods would depend solely on numbers. Resultantly, the country could fall into a depression caused by a feeling of uncertainty and lack of freedom. One can expect riots and protests taken to the streets demanding for “constitutional freedom.” But not easing back in will result in more cases and deaths.

However, there is also a possibility of people possessing some kind of immunity to the virus. This could range from children, the essential workers, or people defying social distancing orders. Those people will have a special class in society by having the ability to travel or snagging jobs in demand and replacing the older generation. Therefore society will create different standards for a new class emerging. Though no one knows how long this immunity could last, these groups of immunes will be desirable. Whether this means they should take on the work of completing chores for profit, sending messages or visiting family, or even transmitting this immunity they will completely fracture the previous standards of classes in society. In fact immunes could even be bribed to take part in the calculated risk of susceptible people. Meaning people not immune to the disease will do anything to gain this immunity.

However, this idea is not original. During the smallpox era, people would deliberately infect themselves to become immune. Years before smallpox, people would take puss or scabs and inject it to get a mild case of smallpox in order to become immune. The unrest in society would lead to more people taking calculated risks which could lead to even more deaths.

Moreover, there would be desperation as a $1200 stimulus check is not sustainable. As seen in President Trump’s previous actions of printing more money in order to “alleviate the issue” this scenario would be likely to continue with an extended lockdown. Trump’s reckless actions and inability to understand the history and past trends during worldwide pandemics gives Americans like me little to no hope of living to regain our once normal society. Therefore one can expect that our economy would crumble as deflation would emerge, putting our country into another depression.

Cassidy Serino ’22 remarked, “if no cure is found anytime soon it would definitely affect my mental health and the rest of the world for the worst.”

But if a cure was found today like a vaccine or protective pill one can only imagine the mass hysteria of the public. The question of who gets it first arises. But one can assume there would probably be an uprising of the wealthy using their economic power to rob the middle class of having priority over the cure. Therefore, the cyclical power the wealthy have over the rest of the world will persist. But the competition between the elites who can obtain the cure first will cause a social class war. Corruption and crime would take the forefront of the competition between elites, and chaos would arise. Not to mention the unrest of the middle and lower class who will incite rebellion due to their feelings of betrayal by the government.

However, it is equally important to take into account the realistic process of mass production of the cure. The making of a vaccine in 18 months is extremely optimistic. The average span to make a vaccine is 4 years. But to account for the gigantic undertaking to make 300-600 million of the creation of doses for Americans alone is an overwhelming task. Even before the vaccine is made there must be planning. To follow that, new ethically unthinkable ways of testing vaccines which would result in lower standards of safety levels of making a vaccine.

One must take into account the political factors in curating a vaccine. This is an opportunity for President Trump to claim credit for the production of the cure. Not only would he use this as political points for the next 2020 election, but moreover, he would flaunt the superiority of the United States for creating the cure.This in turn could lead to mass hysteria from other countries to obtain the cure. Under this circumstance the president will have to decide which to prioritize: Americans or American wealth.

Realistically, easing back into society would look normal for 3 weeks, then one can expect another wave of the virus. As seen in the current unrest under conditions today, people would be too comfortable and confident. The idea of physical distance would no longer be relevant. And with the opening of schools and businesses and sudden interactions, another wave is likely.

But if death rates go back up, people go back on lockdown. Easing back to normal would require the wearing of masks, remaining sit six feet apart, and limiting customers and travel between cities. Travel would slowly become more popular but international travelers will have to be quarantined at least 14 days. As a result, the airline and cruise line business will re-emerge after a stagnant season lubricating the economy. Yet the question of the reopening of schools surfaces.

Though very few kids suffer from the virus, they can actually contract Covid-19 without showing any symptoms. However, they can also become carriers and transmit it. This means the decision to re-open schools would be left to mayors and governors to decide. This could look like a limited number of students returning with masks. Different measures for each workplace and region will be taken according to risk. The easing back into society will slow down the spread of the virus, not stop it. It will not be a fast process. It could last years and there is currently zero evidence the virus will die in certain climates. However, the process of slowly easing back into society still stands as the safest and most feasible option for America.

Cece Cellura ’23 thinks “easing back into society is for the best. The slower we return to our once normal way of life, the better.”

As Americans and the rest of the world waits in anticipation to one day return to their previously held sense of normalcy, it must be understood that following the guidelines of health organizations is key. Though physical distancing will not eradicate Covid-19, it will slow down the spread which will spare lives and give doctors and scientists a break and opportunity to work towards a cure. It is vital to maintain social distancing and optimism as the fate of the world and the new normal lies in the hands of the scientists of today.

How the quarantine is helping the environment

Lauren Cosentino '21

Staff Writer

Today’s media has been saturated with the coronavirus, inflicting the public with fear and pessimism. News channels are broadcasting the empty grocery stores, excessive sanitation precautions, DIY face-masks, and more, which trap readers in a constant state of panic.

Many wonder if anything good can come out of this pandemic? However, if one were to take a moment to focus on something other than the pandemic, they may be relieved with some good news. This worldwide quarantine has given nature the opportunity to flourish.

With fewer people going out and fewer factories actively operating, there has been a decrease in carbon emissions and an overall decrease in all forms of pollution. According to NASA’s Earth Observatory, Satellites have reported a major decrease in air pollution. More specifically, many photos have shown the effects of this lack of smog and air pollutants as clear skies in Shanghai, China appears for the first time in what seems like years.

Additionally, the lack of activity in cities has helped to change the soundscapes of urban centers. Noise pollution caused by cars, buses, and trains affect the migration patterns and feeding habits of animals, but now everything is different as wildlife is moving back into their habitual ways. Instead of early mornings filled with honks, city dwellers are experiencing the joy of hearing birds chirp.

Simple differences like these are allowing humans to remember the importance of nature. All over the world, skies and oceans are clearing, plants are prospering, and animals are rejoicing through song, proving to humans once again that they share this planet with others.

“I feel like this quarantine is definitely reminding us all just how wonderful it is to be outside,” says Cordy Zawarski ’21.

In today’s society, humans are often so caught up in their busy lives, that they forget to go outside and smell the roses! The effects of nature have been proven time and time again to have many mental and physical benefits to one’s well-being, yet nature is always mistreated and forgotten.

Hopefully post-quarantine will be filled with efforts to conserve the planet and an appreciation for its natural beauty. It may be hard to find light in such a dark time, but let the blue skies and yellow flowers be the guiding force towards the end of the tunnel. This quarantine, if used correctly, can be a time for growth. Humans now see how simple it is to preserve the earth and treat it with respect. Until then, make sure to be kind to yourself and treat yourself to some good ole’ fashioned vitamin-D!

Louisville Royals: New Horizons

My character posing with Tom Nook, Timmy, and Tommy.

By Lola Schroeder '22

Editor in Chief

In light of the quarantine, a new animal crossings game for the Nintendo Switch was released in March. In the game, you are placed on an island with three Tanuki (Japanese racoon-dogs) by the name of Tom Nook, Timmy, and Tommy, as well as two other randomly generated villagers. The game consists of different quests to complete in order to make your island yours! You can design clothes, farm different produce, and even visit your friends' islands.

Many long-time players have become very picky with which villagers they receive on their island. If they do not get a villager they like, they simply reset their game until they get villagers that are deemed “cute” or “friendly”. Players are even going as far as resetting their game if their fruit trees are not the cutest fruit (peaches) offered. Unfortunately, I didn’t know about this issue when I started the game, so I got stuck with apples, and two mean villagers.

The island you are placed on consists of trees, rocks and beaches. You can fish, catch bugs, and collect resources. In fact, doing those three things can earn you “mile points” which can be redeemed later for clothes, furniture, advantages, or a Nook Miles Ticket. This ticket allows players to catch a plane on Dodo Airlines to a random island to collect more resources that may not be offered on yours. The currency of the game is “Bells” and usually you either buy furniture, clothes, or food with your Bells. Or, even better, you can pay your ever-growing debt to Tom Nook with those precious pieces of money.

I rate this game a 9/10 because the graphics are amazing as well as the features, but I wish it wasn't only available on the Nintendo Switch. Fortunately, I own one, but I know many fans of the game that want to play, but do not own the console. Yes, there are other versions of Animal Crossing for your phone or computer, but New Horizons is a whole lot more fun and different from the other versions of the game. It is definitely worth the many hours that I have invested playing.

This game is a great way to kill your boredom during this quarantine because you can escape to your own island and even visit your friend’s islands while wishing you can actually see them in person. (this is a great alternative for now).

The journalism class learning on Google Meet

Learning away from Louisville

Due to the international outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Louisville High School is one of the many schools that close its doors and switch to distance learning. School is now being held online from March 18 until April 20 2020. Here’s a rundown of how distance learning is going so far:

Louisville has a new uniform, girls have traded in their polo shirts, skirts, and loafers for pajamas and slippers.

No one can be late to class when the classroom is less than a minute away.

No more waiting in lunch lines anymore when the cafeteria (aka your kitchen) is open 24/7.

Those of us who woke up really early to get to school on time, now relish the extra time laying in bed and catching up on lost sleep.

I personally don’t mind online learning, and although I miss seeing people, I’d rather be safe and healthy. Every student seems to have mixed feelings on the situation, but are trying to make the best of it.

“It is difficult to find the motivation to remain productive when you are forced to work at your own pace. However, it is a great opportunity to experience a college routine when you have to manage your own schedule,” says Lily Davoren ’21.

Teachers have been adapting and teaching like normal, such as Mrs. Coffey and Mr. Nelson who continue to teach full classes as if they never left. But for teachers like Mrs. Monson, they have been taking advantage of this technology by posting pre-recorded lectures. Thanks to Google Meet, we get to see our teachers online and see our friends through facetime. Mrs. Yerena even brought decorations from her classroom home to make her space feel like a familiar learning environment for her and her students.

McKenna Dixon ‘21 feels that “It has been a manageable adjustment, but I am still getting accustomed to the transition, pacing myself, taking necessary breaks, and setting up a productive yet calm space for myself. I find it reassuring knowing that we’re all learning to adapt together even though we’re apart.”

Despite this new time, completely shifting our normal routines, it is important to remember that we’re all in this together. So don’t forget to reach out to your Louisville sisters. Additionally, it’s important to remain healthy and stay active while practicing social distancing. On a positive note, we now have Wellness Wednesdays which allows girls to focus on mental health and give us a nice, needed break from all of the schoolwork.

In the wise words of longtime Louisville teacher, Mr. Clark: “Hang in there ladies!”

National security breached: How you should protect your vote this 2020 election

Stella Rose ’21

Opinion Editor

It is 2016 and you are in line to cast your vote for the next president. With registration papers in hand, you still are turned away from the polls as moderators tell you, you are ineligible. This situation is not far from reality, and it is important to protect your rights this 2020 election.

Russian hackers have breached our nation’s security. Through forms of polarizing propaganda on your social media feed, penetration of American organization’s software, and tampering of the American voters status it is easy to become weary of the legitimacy of your vote. This poses the question of how valid are our elections?

An American election is illegitimate when:

  1. Foreign forces have breached the voting security.

  2. Groups of people are suppressed and discouraged to vote.

  3. When the right to vote is viewed as a privilege.

As long time Louisville teacher, Mr. Telesca, says, “the Constitution is open to interpretation”

In many ways, he is correct; it is a living document, which evolves with our political system.

The Capital building in Washington D.C at night.

However, when the courts treat our ballot as something less than fundamental, this idea does not come from the text of the constitution. Instead, they are projecting this philosophy onto the constitution. This dangerous philosophy further feeds into the cycle of the powerful granting privileges to the deserving commoner.

Our rights are vital in preserving a democracy. Under these circumstances, how can we as a people protect our votes and elections? The right to vote is a symptom of freedom and democracy and it is up to the American people to retain our political system.

To what extent is it in the ability of the American people to maintain a political system when the President of the country undermines the claims of overseas interference?

“I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don’t know who broke into DNC [the Democratic National Committee],” Trump frivolously said in 2016, as reported by The Hill.

With little knowledge and transparency about the outside intervention, the general attitude of the public and former candidate was uncertainty. However, with further development on this topic, the national insecurity is transparent.

In order to combat external interference we must use our power of choice to stand united as one American people. The Russian’s hacking tactic, as seen in 2016, is aimed to polarize the American people and government—to weaken our strength to further penetrate the system.

Moreover, we must support minority groups who are victims of a society, which prohibits them from reaching the polls. It is possible to advocate for legislation that turns Election Day into a national federal holiday to ensure that there are no barriers for people to vote. In addition, we must call our senators to make the voting process more accessible:

Senator Harris’s Washington D.C. office: (202) 224 - 3553

Senator Feinstein’s Washington D.C. office: (202) 224-3841

Lastly, register to vote! Though all of these factors are vital in ensuring fair elections, the only way to get your voice heard is to register or pre-register. The steps are easy and you can do it from your phone. Go to…


You can pre-register when you are 16 years old and vote of course when you are 18. Do not let the validity of our country fall to the suppression of foreign interference.

Your vote, your voice, your ideas matter. Take advantage of this 2020 election and make America what you want it to be.