Class Elections

Candidates answering questions from their class-mates

Sophia Paine '25 and Grace Arce '25

Freshmen start the year off with elections

Sophia Reyes '22

Around Campus Editor

On Monday, September 20 the Louisville class of 2025 joined together in the hall to participate in the freshman elections. These elections were held by Mr. Wilson and ASB members Ava Browne, Maya Amiel and Cassidy Serino. The elections started off with ASB Parliamentarian Maya Amiel ‘22 asking each of the candidates questions pertaining to the position they were running for.

The candidate’s answers were very thoughtful and it was obvious that they cared about the well being of their classmates and the Louisville community. After Maya finished asking them questions, they allowed the freshman in the audience to pose their own questions. Fortunately, many of the students in the audience were eager to ask questions and better understand the candidates. The questions asked by the audience were very insightful and they would ask the students running to thoroughly explain their answers.

They also asked questions about how each candidate planned to excel in their positions if they were elected. While listening in on these elections, I enjoyed listening about how passionate the freshman class was about social causes, such as women’s suffrage. The elections ended at around 3 p.m. and the students were able to go home and check their emails and vote for who they wanted to be a part of their class council.

Finally, on Wednesday, September 22, freshman candidates excitedly listened as ASB announced those who were elected over the speakers. The freshman class council goes as follows: the President is Grace Arce, Vice President is Maddie Vielma, Secretary is Emely De Grano, Treasurer is Jasmine Shaghaghi, Historian is Stephanie Hage and Spirit Chair is Valeria Ruiz. What a great bunch.

“I am excited to get to know each one of my classmates individually, to be a friend to each of them and to make this the best year for us because I am ready to listen to everyone and express their ideas in school wide fundraisers and events,” says Freshman Class President Grace Arce.

I am sure everyone is looking forward to the newly elected freshman council and their ideas and what they will do to implement their ideas as the school year goes on.