The Meaning of Love

The Meaning of Love

By Katie Mitchell `21

Copy Editor

Heading into February, the love month, I felt it was necessary to expand the word “love” and see how it is described in different ways. Let’s go in-depth into what the word love truly means.

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “love” in a variety of ways. The first definition is “strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties”. This definition, to me, closely relates to the Greek versions of love “storge” and “philia”. Storge can be seen as unconditional familial love. This love is “kinship-based” and one of the strongest forms of love one can feel. Philia describes a cemented bond between two people, usually a friendship. This kind of love has a “soul-to-soul” connection, almost a destiny. The love illustrated here represents familial and platonic relationships.

Another definition for the word “love” is “to hold dear; to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness.” Synonyms include caress and appreciate. The ancient Greek words for love that best represents this definition are “eros” and ”pragma.” Eros is driven by the desire for a life partner and romantic love between two lovers. Pragma is a committed love rooted in authentic feelings and a passionate love lasting a lifetime. Although these might seem opposite to one another, these words ultimately represent a companionship with an intimate love shared between soulmates.

The other three Greek words for love include the following: “ludus”, “philautia”, and “agape.” A Ludus love stems from flirtatious energy with a crush and no long-term intention or compassion. Philautia is self-love and a sense of caring towards ourselves for relaxation. Finally, the seventh Greek term for love is agape. This is a universal love for God, nature, the less fortunate, etc. It is “an empathetic love toward humanity itself” and the most popular Greek word for love. I remember learning about agape freshman year in Mrs. Crawley’s class. Now, I put all of these Greek words into aspects of my life today. I hope this article helped others do the same. Happy Valentine’s Day!