Senior Sunrise!

Pink panthers up before the sun!

Katie Mitchell `21

Copy Editor

The Class of 2021 catch the sunrise as the pink tree blooms on their beloved lawn

On February 12, the beloved class of 2021 was up and on campus before 6 am, spending quality time with their fellow classmates.

The senior class council planned a morning full of meaningful reflection and bonding time for this graduating class. The seniors finally had the pleasure of decorating their cherished lawn while having socially distanced conversations with their classmates.

This was such a special time as they have not been together as a class for almost a year, and they united as seniors for the first time in person.

Senior Class Spirit Chair Rory Brennen opened up the reflection by introducing the one-of-a-kind shine of the Pink Panther diamond connecting it to how unique the backstory of Louisville is. She reminded her class how they had found a way to come together during the hardest times and persevered through this year as one. Following that speech, the seniors participated in a 5-Minute Reflection, where they silently contemplated the past year and their individual growth.

Delaney Vega `21 shared, “I really loved seeing everyone after a long period of time. It was my first time doing anything on the senior lawn. It felt like a right of passage.”

“It was really sweet that the administration put a lot of effort into trying to give us a memorable senior event,” said Gia Corey `21.

Small group bonding distantly on their lawn.

As the seniors wrapped up their cherished time on the lawn, the freshmen were able to drive through for a campus tour. The class of 2021 got a taste of a lawn takeover and a loud, warm welcome to the parents driving their daughters on campus.

Music blasting, seniors were screaming with enthusiasm to ensure the freshmen were given the traditional Louisville greeting on campus. Although the weather was unfavorable, (it rained during the small group time) the smiles on the freshman class’s faces shined bright, driving through campus for the first time.

Freshman Talia Azarloza stated that it was “a really fun time seeing all the seniors and it was so nice finally getting to meet some of my classmates.”

Senior Class Vice President Stella Rose smiles at the camera as the event begins.

On behalf of the senior class council, this event was a success. It was a reminder that although physically far, as a class we remain connected. This on-campus event allowed the two classes to get together and share the Louisville spirit with as many people as possible.

This, as well as the freshman event, were the first events in person, but will not be the last.