Ask Louis!

Ask Louis!

Valeria Ruiz '25

Copy Editor

This semester, we're bringing back Ask Louis, a column where you ask the questions and we offer advice. High school can be fun but oftentimes is a source of stress. You are likely busy with schoolwork, friends and relationships, and it’s normal to feel like you need some extra help. That's where Ask Louis helps out!


How do I deal with procrastination? I have trouble doing things in advance and always do them at the last second. 

We’ve all been there! Procrastination is one of the hardest things to overcome, but the answer is to start small. Breaking down your tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and setting a schedule to complete these tasks can help prevent the last-minute rush. Get a planner and try to fill it out every day, make deadlines for yourself before an assignment is due. Build these healthy habits because they will benefit you in the long run.

If I want to try out for a sports team, but I'm not amazing at the sport, what should I do? 

Honestly, you should go for it! You don’t have to be perfect at the sport, because your effort and dedication can take you far. Coaches truly do appreciate that and will see your willingness to learn and step out of your comfort zone.

Louis the Lion is ready to help!


Why don't friends reach out first anymore?

Sometimes our friends can be busy and go through their own struggles and may not have the time or energy to reach out. But friendships are a two-way street and communication is always key. If you feel this way, let your friend know how you feel and that you value your friendship, but you feel like you’re always the one putting the effort in. If they don't respond or change, it could be a sign that you should reconsider that friendship. True friends will always appreciate you and your honesty. 

What do you do when you break up with someone in your friend group and everyone starts taking sides? 

It's always tough when a breakup happens, especially if it could break up a friend group, but it's important to try and stay neutral and respectful. Tell your friends that you don't want them to feel like they have to pick a side, and definitely don’t say negative things about the other person, even if things ended poorly. It might take a while for things to feel normal again, and that’s okay, but you will never regret being kind or respectful.

How do you make friends when everyone is already in their own little group?

It can be intimidating or scary when it seems like everybody already has their circle, but please don’t be discouraged! Try joining clubs, sports or other activities where you can meet people with similar interests as you. Start small convos, because sometimes even just saying “hi”can lead to something bigger. Friendships naturally form over time, so be patient and take the initiative.


How do I tell if I have a crush on someone? Follow-up question, how do I know if they like me back or not? Follow-up: what to do if I like them and they like me?

Crushes can be confusing. If you find yourself thinking about someone a lot, feeling excited when you’re around them or feeling a little nervous when you talk to them, those might be signs of a crush. If they like you back, pay attention to how they act around you. If the feelings are mutual, take your time and see where things go. Relationships can be fun but they shouldn’t feel rushed or forced.