Mad lib

Lunchtime chaos: Mad lib

Valeria Ruiz '25

Arts & Entertainment and Sports Editor

It was a________ and _________day at Louisville High School. I rushed up the _________steps

            (adjective)   (adverb)                                                           (adjective)

 to the hall where the _________ cafeteria awaited. The line was _________; it looked like there were 

                                              (adjective)                                                                   (adjective)

________ people in line, and lunch had only started two minutes ago! 


I trudged to the back of the line, _______. It was _________________________day, my 

                                                                                     (adverb)       (your favorite louisville Lunch)

favorite of all time. I was so scared they would run out before I could _____ one of the plates up. I waited 


in line _______, waiting for my friends to come join me. It felt as if there were as many people there as 


the amount who attend our soccer games!

The lunch line moved ________________, the clock was ticking. There was only fifteen minutes 

                                                              (adverb) (adjective)

left of lunch, and I still had not seen my _____ yet. Between my _____ stomach and aching __________,

                                                                                      (noun)                                    (verb)                                          (plural noun)

the line seemed to have grown even more! I watched in _____ as people cut in front of me, and even


more _____ came over me when I saw my __________ speeding to the front of the line without me. 

           (noun)                                                             (plural noun)

To think I was going to buy them _____! I decided to take matters into my own _________ and started 

                                                                        (food)                                                                                     (body part)

to stride to my rightful place: the front of the line. 

Just as I reached my friends, _______ came out of nowhere, saying “Where do you think you're 

                                  (teacher’s name) 

going?” I froze, debating on whether I should just wait in line or hand my money to my friends. I chose 

the _______option, and slung my ______ over my _____ as I ______ out of the 

     (adjective)                               (noun)                  (noun)   (past tense verb)

cafeteria, happy to be relieved of my ______, and plopped myself down at our table. 


Checking the time, my eyes popped out of my head as I realized there was only 3 minutes left of

lunch! I panicked as my friends _____ over to the table. I snatched my food up with a quick thank you, 


eating faster than I ever have. My class was on the opposite of campus. The bell rang, and I was off!