Another year of sisterhood

Another year of sisterhood

Hayley Weiser '26

News Page Editor

On Friday,  August 30, Louisville juniors hosted their freshmen sisters for their first Big Sister/Little Sister Luncheon. As the second period came to an end, the juniors left class early to pick up their assigned freshman, and together they headed to the hall for lunch. St. Louis Hall was adorned with underwater-themed decor, appealing to both the junior classes mascot of the Pink Jellyfish and the freshmen’s Teal Turtles.

This year, due to the large number of new freshmen, many juniors were paired up to share one little sister. This not only gave the freshmen a chance to bond with multiple upperclassmen but it also gave our juniors the chance to bond with one another. Many returning juniors were paired with junior transfers, providing the perfect opportunity to get to know all the new students!

Juniors Khali Sowell-Mitchell and Mylee Lott with their little sister Annabelle Santibanez

Juniors Hayley Weiser, Ferlyn Alvarenga, and Maggie Kearin with their little sisters Katelynn Woolley and Grace Kirovsky 

Getting to know someone with a two-year grade difference can be challenging. Some conversations can get dry, but Louisville had a solution! At each table, sheets of paper with creative icebreaker questions lessened the need to be an extrovert for both juniors and freshmen. The questions ranged from “who is your celebrity crush?to “what is your dream vacation?”. 

Other than providing conversation starters and opportunities for many laughs, Louisville also had pastas, salads and drinks for lunch. The best was definitely saved for last as our Louisville sisters rushed to finish their meals to get first pick at a variety of desserts, including many flavors of cupcakes, cookies and brownies.

Once everyone was settled down and enjoying their desserts, the junior class council and Louisville staff gave speeches describing the beauty,  connection and support provided by the sisterhood of Louisville. Since Louisville’s first ever Big Sister/Little Sister Luncheon, the tradition has returned every year. As both grades stood, the juniors followed principal Dr. Aguilar in making an oath to support, teach and bond with their little sisters for the next two years of their high school career. During this oath, each junior placed the first pin from Louisville on her little sister’s blazer: the angel pin. 

This event not only lessened the nerves of this year’s incoming freshmen,  but it also helped the juniors branch out and learn ways to connect with new people. Sometimes we get stuck in our own little worlds and forget to reach out and make new connections wherever we go. For the Class of 2026, after two years of bonding with our own grade, it’s refreshing to introduce ourselves to a new face, whether a transfer or freshman sister.