Galentine's over Valentine's 

Galentine's over valentine's

Leanna Flexo '24

Features Content Editor

Valentine’s Day can be a lonely holiday for those who aren’t in a relationship, but why not spend the day with your loving friends instead? Break through the boundaries of Valentine’s Day by celebrating Galentine’s Day! Here are a few date ideas to go on with your friends: 

Have a girl’s night in! If you want a relaxing Galentine’s Day activity and don’t feel like going out, this date is perfect for you and your friends. You can make cute Valentine’s-themed desserts like heart-shaped cookies or cakes while watching rom-coms. You and your friends could also have a self care night by painting nails, doing face masks etc. 

For those that want to go out, treat yourselves to a fancy dinner! The dinner could have a special theme, such as coquette, old hollywood or even dressing in all pink. The more extravagant and over-the-top the dinner and outfits are, the better. 

Olivia Ortega '26 being gifted chocolates by her friend Jordanna Bartlett '26 for Valentine's Day

Another fun idea is to have a picnic or tea party in which everyone brings Valentine’s Day-themed food or desserts. You and your friends could find a nice spot in a park, or just use one of your backyards, and dress in flowery dresses to make the party feel more sophisticated and special. 

Grabbing coffee and going to a bookstore is also a good idea for any friend group, big or small. If you have friends who like to read, they will happily go with you to a bookstore. Browsing for books at a place like Barnes and Noble is a nice way to pass the time and bond over your favorite books or genres. 

Lastly, this idea could be combined with any of the dates listed above: you and your friends (if you feel comfortable enough of course) could pretend to be a couple and go out on a date. Your friend group could get into pairs and each of you could go off to have an individual date. 

Valentine’s Day pressures one to believe that, if they are not in a relationship, they should not be celebrating it. However, celebrating Galentine’s Day offers a way to show your love and appreciation for your friends and realize that you are never truly alone on the holiday of love. Hopefully, these ideas will inspire you to go on a date with your friends and take on this unconventional tradition to make your Valentine’s Day a positive experience.