Which teacher are you?

Chloe Mcbride '24

News and Features Editor

Teacher List

Science: Mr. Shaikh

English: Ms. Canfield

Religion: Mr. Batch

Math: Mrs. Barel

History: Mr. Telesca

Have you ever wondered about which Louisville teacher you are most like? Take this quiz to see which teacher lines up with your personality!

Question 1: If you could take any class, what would you take?

Question 2: If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Question 3: If you could only bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?

Question 4: In one word, how would your friends describe you?

Question 5: What is your favorite TV show?

Question 6: What do your Friday nights usually consist of?

Question 7: Which animal do you feel most represents you?

Question 8: Which English book is your favorite?

Question 9: Which song would you most likely add to your playlist?

Question 10: What is your Hogwarts House?

Count up your totals and view your results below!

Mostly A’s - Mr. Shaikh

Congrats! If you answered mostly A’s, you are Mr. Shaikh. You are the spontaneous one in your friend group and are always willing to go with the flow. You might as well be the leader of the Robotics Club and are counting down the days until you can go Scuba Diving in the beautiful beaches of Cabo. 

Mostly B’s - Ms. Canfield

Congrats! If you answered mostly B’s, you are Ms. Canfield. You are the comedic relief in your friend group and are always prepared for a good time. You probably have the best Spirit Week outfits, your annotations in your English books are top notch and your music taste is very diverse.

Mostly C’s - Mr. Batch

Congrats! If you answered mostly C’s, you are Mr. Batch. You enjoy listening to Taylor Swift and you are most likely the therapist in your friend group. You love Disney Movies, spending time with your family and taking lots of trips to Lazy Dog.

Mostly D’s - Mrs. Barel

Congrats! If you answered mostly D’s, you are Mrs. Barel. You always have a good math meme to send to the group chat and you probably have a soft spot for turtles. You enjoy solving crossword puzzle books, beating all your friends at board games and you love doing outdoor activities.

Mostly E’s - Mr. Telesca

Congrats! If you answered mostly E’s, you are Mr. Telesca. Your favorite subject is most likely history and you always have a fun fact to share in every conversation. You are a Dodger fanatic, never lose at chess and you love to spend time with your significant other.